Workshop Tertiary Education Quality Standards Agency Conference 2019

The Importance of that Squeaky Wheel: Why Good Complaint Handling Works for Everyone (#47)

Klara Major 1 , Marita Cullen 2 , Sharna Ansah 1
  1. Commonwealth Ombudsman, Canberra, ACT, Australia
  2. Victorian Ombudsman, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

At Ombudsman offices it is common to see complaints about the way agencies including education providers have handled complaints. In the mind of the student making the complaint, the unfairness has shifted from the original issue to the way their matter was handled or the way they were treated, compounding the sense of grievance.

Well handled complaints can bring many benefits to our workplaces, including happier students, satisfied staff, a proactive learning culture, improved relationships and better services and outcomes.

What can we do to put us in the best place to achieve these outcomes? Join representatives from the Victorian Ombudsman and the Commonwealth Ombudsman to unpack the value of complaints, what a welcoming complaint culture looks like, what we can do to manage the expectations of those who come to us with problems and how robust record keeping can lay the foundations of sound decision making.