Individual Presentation Tertiary Education Quality Standards Agency Conference 2019

In the Driver's Seat: The Application of Project Management Methodology to Drive Quality and Compliance in a Collaborative Multidisciplinary Course Transformation Program (#19)

Matthew Oates 1 , Andrea Jeffreys 1
  1. College of Science, Health and Engineering, La Trobe University, Bundoora, Victoria, Australia

In 2018, La Trobe University embarked on a major transformation of its pre-qualification programs in eleven health disciplines. The courses in these disciplines are of considerable strategic importance to the University generating a significant proportion of revenue each year. They are high-demand and high-ATAR courses offered at La Trobe University’s metropolitan and regional campuses through the College of Science, Health and Engineering. The decision to change the course offerings was driven by the need to meet compliance obligations associated with funding of courses but in doing so it was recognised that there was considerable risk involved. This presentation will describe the application of project management methodology, regularly used in ICT and other systems projects, through a defined program to manage the transformation of the health courses from their current to planned future state. A program of work was initiated under the direction of a Program Director and an academic Program Coordinator to plan and manage the course redesign and associated course approval documentation for each of the disciplines. The application of project management methodology facilitated a coordinated approach to the transformation of courses by effectively connecting all parts of the University and ensuring all internal and external compliance obligations were satisfied. It enabled the disciplines to be managed as discrete but related projects and provided extensive communication and support for the large number of internal and external stakeholders impacted by the changes. Quality, both in terms of the anticipated student experience of the new courses and compliance with the Threshold Standards, was prioritised and achieved through meaningful collaboration with all parts of the University, including regular engagement with dedicated Quality & Standards personnel. This presentation will outline the methodology applied, the benefits, challenges and lessons learned over the past eighteen months from the commencement to the conclusion of the program.