In 2018, Victoria University launched the revolutionary Block Model to improve student retention, performance and satisfaction.
The model required that the curriculum for every unit be redesigned in order to meet the principles of the model, the mode of delivery, and time-frames of delivery (McCluskey, Weldon, and Smallridge 2019).
To capitalise on the wisdom of the crowd, Design Teams were formed which comprised academic and professional staff and students from across the university. This ensured that a wide range of considerations were incorporated into the unit's design, thereby optimising and enhancing the education experience.
Each team consisted of Learning Designers, Librarians, Academics, Students, and Learning Advisers. who met twice weekly over 9 weeks to discuss, design and develop the curriculum.
The individual contribution provided by each team member included (but was not limited to):
Whilst the individual contributions were critical to ensuring all parameters were incorporated, the success of the curriculum design arose from the design teams' collaborative brain storming design meetings, whereby the entire team proposed, designed, discussed, and developed all key curriculum and learning components such as:
A partnership approach enabled the design and delivery of units which embody active learning and engaging assessment tasks. Our colloborative curriculum design has many advantages, extending student engagement with learning, and ultimately, student success.